Oct 30, 2018
I'm out of the loop but what's going on with messing around these days? Are tits still a thing? I've been out of the loop for a while but I'm worried porn and divorce has ruined sex for young people. That sucks because done right, it's pretty fun. Slut walks are sad.
Oct 23, 2018
While celebrating the fact that Tommy is free (for now) we look back at other cases and start to notice a pattern. The radical left, the media, and the state are determined to dehumanize the right so they can kill them easier. It sounds hyperbolic but sending a British patriot like Tommy to a majority Muslim prison is a...
Oct 18, 2018
Louis CK masturbated in front of two women who gave him persmission. For that, many believe he deserves the $35m nosedive his career took. Roseanne made an unfortunate joke she claims had nothing to do with race. For that, she loses control of her life story. Sometimes it gets much worse, the kangaroo courts of...
Oct 17, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
I get into all the fake news surrounding my Otoya Yamaguchi ceremony we had at the Manhattan Republican Club on Friday, October 12th (the same day Otoya impaled the head of Japan's Socialist Party with a samurai sword). Antifa vandalized the club, terrorized the attendees, lied about "white supremacy," and stole a Proud...