Nov 24, 2017
Being funny is a delicate art form. One stutter or misplaced word and the joke is lost. I’s like a Fabregé Egg. The Thought Police are trying to tell us how we can joke around with each other and their rules are cracking our eggs. This podcast attempts to tape up these cracks by giving you a basic funny kit you can...
Nov 17, 2017
Gavin talks about why fame is really overrated. He tells a story about Justin Theroux's experience with paparazzi on his motorbike. After that he talks about a recent story from the New York Post about him and his former company. The podcast then turns into an autobiography about his life after leaving his...
Nov 10, 2017
If you were to write a book on How to Ruin America it would read like a playbook for the left. They trivialize math so they can spout platitudes with no real data to back it up. They tell women to give up on being a mom and they tell men their masculinity is “toxic.” The scoff at the American family while i...
Nov 3, 2017
Let’s meet Gavin’s dad, Jimmy McInnes who stopped in on his way to Florida to tell us all about life in the slums of Glasgow. He busted out of that hellhole and moved to England where he made Gavin and then brought the whole family to Canada. Jimmy’s life provides a good backbone to measure the ways the West has...